Memba the mention a few posts back about friends who love drama and games?
Well, here's the an example of kind of games of which I speak.
I had ONE free weekend this month. Maybe the last two months. (even tho I work on Saturday) I try to schedule things so that I can make the most out of my time.
So, I emailed this "friend" two weeks ago and asked if last Saturday night was cool to drive up to his place for a visit (he lives about an hour away) even tho, he hadn't responded to any of my emails in a while, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
He's been in some kind of snit, since I caught him in an attempt to guilt me into trying to believe that I excluded him from a function that we'd had... showing him actual proof that
(1) I knew he'd read the email because the email receipt said "read" and was time stamped
(2) catching him in that lie.
It just made matters worse. I suppose some people are supposed to be able to say whatever they please and never be called on it.
So anyway, after my offer to come catch up, I received no reply, no response no nothing. And, it had been a while before that since I had talked to him as well.
Get this... Monday, after the Saturday in question he shoots us a message "Have ya'll moved?" I miss ya" When can I see ya'll."
Yeah... it's all my fault.
Fuck a buncha that.
He got "no reply"
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