Saturday, May 31, 2008

El Mezcal = Strong Ritas

My head hurts.
I notice as I get older, I just can't drink like I used to. Actually, that's not true. I do drink like I used to, it's the recovering like I used to that gets away from me.

It's days like today when I feel as if I need to be hit in the head with a board to make me feel better. Being hung over is just stupid. It's a not-so-unconscious choice we make for ourselves; Tomorrow, I give myself permission to have a headache and see spiderwebs all day and maybe vomit once or twice. But tonight, I indulge. So yeah, you sort of have to be kind of a dim-wit to plan to be sick. But hey, I never claimed to be all that bright.

Oh, but it's always good to blow off some steam with friends. And we did do a lot of laughing and carrying on and applying of lotion to sunburned areas.
So, with any luck, after another Sugar free Red Bull or two, I'll start to heal up.

So, don't cry for me Margarita. I'll be fine. And we'll surely meet again soon.

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