OK, so my other half has a friend from college who is a total tool.
He's visiting from Little Rock tonight. I make him stay at a hotel. Cause he's a shit stain of a human being.
He likes to come and visit and force us to hang out with him and his ugly skank of the week that he brings along to show-off to us. Of course his wife has no idea. (she really does, but pretends not to know) Which I think makes him even more of a fudge tool.
So, tonight, I'm gonna be "feeling bad".
I'm staying home while the tool get's some quality time with his buddy he's hero worshiped since the old school days... I think they may be going to Molly's LaCasita.
Is he trying to show people that he is still young and attractive by fucking nasty, old, Arkansas whores? "Cause he aint.
Should I feel bad about no longer pretending I can stand him? Should I go along with it for my partner's sake and sacrifice a perfectly good Saturday night listening to this dime store shrink talk about himself constantly and complain that his last "girl friend" stopped seeing him because she decided to get back with her husband or actually found a boyfriend that wasn't married? WTF? Selfish. Weirdo. Freak.
I don't think so.
Remote control and take out Pho--here I come.
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