I went into my branch of 1st Tennessee yesterday, with a check. A pretty decent size check. (several thousand dollars) It's not an account I use all the time, but I still use it, it's active and it's not an empty account. the teller looks at the check and back up at me as if to say "why are you forcing me to do my job?" Does a long exhale and says "we kain't deposit this check". I guess I was shocked, I said "why not?" "Cause you ain't got this much money in yo account" she said, her words, not mine. "So," I said, "what am I suppose to do with this check and by the way, how does one get that much money into an account if you won't deposit it?" Rolling her eyes she said. "I dunno, but we kaint deposit it here".
"May I speak to a manager please?" So, another woman came over, just as uninterested, who could have been a manager or not, because she certainly didn't bother to introduce herself or pretend offer any kind of customer service. Just the same deep exhale as if I had just asked her to climb a tree to get my kite down.
I asked again, why can't you deposit this check?" cause, you ain't got the money in your account to cover it, and we kaint be responsible for the funds." "Ok," I said, "just put a hold on it 'til the check clears.. I don't have any intentions of touching that money anyway"
"We kaint do that."
"Well," I said, "I guess I see why banking is in trouble. Thank you for all your concern."
I took the check to my other bank Bancorp South and not only did they deposit it, they said "thank you, have a nice day."
Needless to say, all my accounts at 1st Tennessee have been canceled. Not that anyone there cares, where their mantra "less work for me" is cross stitched on a nice plaque in the overused breakroom.
Fuck that bank.