Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The BIG snore.

Ever sleep with someone who snores so loud that you fear you may never actually get a decent nights sleep again. My partner snores like King Kong with a sinus infection. He knows this. I have recorded it, played it for him and he laughed - So, I have made him very aware of it, as well has anyone else who hears the unnaturally loud sound that best imitates a buzz saw on the blink. It's very irregular. I'll try to map out one regular session. "snort-snort..... heeeeaaaaaheerrrrrrrrrrrrSNORT! and on and on. You can imagine being sound asleep and someone busting a paper bag in your ear like it was your birthday at Los Compadres? That's it. It's makes my nerves so on edge I go get on the couch, take some kind of pill and watch Dirty Jobs- with purdy Mike Rowe on the discovery channel until I finally pass out and go get back in bed. By this time the snoring has usually calmed enough for me to continue my nap.
Can anyone say Sleep Aptnia?
I have found that if I leave the TV on in the bedroom that I can focus passed the snoring for the most part an fall to sleep. However, He will occasionally wake up a mumble something incoherent with his eyes shut - like; "TV...Done - sneeert... Heeeeeareeeeeeeeeeerrrra-SNORT. So, apparently it REALLY interrupts his sleep. So, looks like the couch for me. Even Ambien has given up. Boy, if Tennessee allowed gay marriage, I wonder if this would be grounds for divorce.