Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Union Avenue is NOT "base"

Stop crossing Union Ave. at rush hour on foot. It's never a good idea, but you people that walk across Union in heavy traffic are asking to get mashed. Most of you don't even get the concept of a cross walk anyway, so just stop doing it, period. People as dumb as you shouldn't be allowed away from your dusty, crumb covered cubicle anyway. Oh, and on that same note, the center, yellow line does NOT have a force field around it, you can be hit while standing there like a tangle-footed pigeon. Getting to Danver's before the chipped beef dries out is not worth your life or ruining someone else's day/life depending how bad your stupid ass gets hurt. And really, would you really wanna fuck up somebody's fresh Mr. Pride detail job with all that useless, splattered, alleged brain matter?
Save a life - Order a pizza for lunch.

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